News & Events

Interdisciplinary Conference on Optical Spectroscopy

On June 12, 2018, innoFSPEC Potsdam and Brandenburg Invest (WFBB) together hosted the conference 'Optical Spectroscopy' in Golm. The aim was to shed light on the broad range of different spectroscopic technologies and their applications in the fields of structure, product and process analytics as well as in Biology, Geology, Environmental Sciences and Medicine. Over 60 participants from industry and science exchanged their views and ideas on how to bring the diverse disciplines together and how to develop joint ideas and projects in this context. For more details please go here.

The conference was part of the actitities in the field of Optical Analytics in the Photonics Cluster of the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg (innoBB). Next to Microelectronics, Optical Analytics is counted among the most significant key technologies of the 21st century. At the same time, this technology field, also on a European level, pertains to the five so called Key Enabling Technologies.

12Juni2018 Handlungsfeldkonferenz Optische Analytik 20 1

photo: WFBB/Marschalsky; the photo was taken during the conference 'Optical Analytics' as part of the cluster Photonics.